Monday, October 5, 2015



Welcome to the blog of the American International College Wrestling Team.

Although wrestling is one of the oldest sports in the world, most people do not exactly know what it is about. Here is a short definition for you:

Syllabification: wres·tling
Pronunciation: /ˈres(ə)liNG/

The sport or activity of grappling with an opponent and trying to throw or hold them down on the ground, typically according to a code of rules. Popular in ancient Egypt, China, and Greece, wrestling was introduced to the Olympic Games in 704 bc; many of the holds and throws used now are the same as those of antiquity. The two main competition styles are Greco-Roman (in which holds below the waist are prohibited) and freestyle, which has become a popular televised sport.

Does this sound familiar to you? Of course it does! At some point everyone has wrestled at least once in their life: It might have been on the playground or at home with siblings.

The titled world's oldest sport, Wrestling has been around for thousands of years. The NFL, NBA, MLB are all babies compared to Wrestling. Along with track and field, Wrestling was in the first Olympics, so many years ago, when i say first I mean Athens, Greece B.C., Wrestling was around before Jesus was born and is considered the holiest sport being it is the ONLY sport mentioned in the bible.
What makes wrestling more honorable than other sports? The pride one takes in wrestling is unlike any other sport, Most kids start in their little league, or pop warner football, they have aspirations to make it to the MLB or NFL, this is the purest love of the game. They have no care about the millions that are made in the pros, they simply want to make it to be playing on Sundays. As they grow older and realize the world is expensive they no longer do it for the love, they do it to make it somewhere, to make the millions, to get a scholarship, etc, etc. Then they watch players like Steven Jackson holdout for MORE money, what message does this send kids? Wrestling is different, there is no money to be made in wrestling. Wrestlers do it for pure pride.
Wrestlers have NO ONE to blame if they lose, unlike team sports wrestlers are out there alone and have no one that can stop them from doing a stupid move. If a quarterback throws a pick six and loses the game for his team, the wide receiver has nothing to do with that, the offensive line could do nothing about that. It was the quarterbacks fault he did not check it to the running back or go through his read, I've seen it countless times, and its still hard for me to watch. Wrestling is different, You and an opponent, thats it. Pressure at big tournaments is unbelievable. Any basketball player, even in the NBA, has never felt the pressure of an NCAA final wrestling match. In the NBA they are watching you and 9 other players with around 20,000 fans. NCAA wrestling finals between 20,000 and 40,000 fans depending on the venue, on a raised mat with all of them staring at you and your opponent with the ref to call the points, You have seven minutes to prove you are the best in the country.

College- as well as professional Olympic wrestling is taking this to another level. Check out this video:


  1. Hey Mike, I haven't been to any wrestling matches at AIC. However, I grew up watching my brother wrestle for many years. It's definitely a very strategic sport, as well as time consuming. I remember matches running all day. Perhaps I'll make an appearance this year. Good luck!

  2. Dear Tatiana,

    Thank you for your comment! I would appreciate if you would come out to a meet.


  3. Hi Mike, Wrestling is a very interesting sport. I use to go to see Central and putnam high school wrestling and I loved it , very amazing experience. In fact it is were I meet my High school sweet heart now husband . I have not gone to any college wrestling before however have seen them on television and their intensity is I believe greater than high school wrestling. In all I consider it a sport I like to watch!

  4. Yes it is a very intense sport and I'm glad you like it. You should definitely check it out sometime

  5. Interesting post. I never knew how popular wrestling is around the world. I have a couple of buddies that do it and they tell me a lot of stories about their hard training and diets.

    1. Hey Dave,

      your friends are not lying when they tell you that their training and dieting is hell.


  6. Hi Mike,
    I almost wrestled in high school, but decided to stick with hockey. A bunch of my friends wrestled so I know how tough and intense it can be. It is definitely an impressive sport, and I'll have to come see you guys! Good Luck!

    1. Hello Brenton,

      you should definitely come out and watch a meet.


  7. Mike - good start. Your link isn't active - you have to use Blogger to make it into a working link. Nice video.
